Non-surgical facelifts have been around for years and HIFU is still one of the leading treatments providing real and proven results.
In general, both CLASSIC HIFU and CARA LIFT is safe, non-surgical skin-tightening procedures for face lifting as well as skin renewal. In addition, they both use ultrasound technology. Although both have proven their effectiveness in improving the appearance of wrinkles, smoothing out fine lines, and lifting the cheeks and jawline, what makes CLASSIC HIFU different from the all-new CARA LIFT?
HIFU technology is completely safe and has been used in medicine for decades. It works by contracting and shortening muscle fibers, which causes the lifting and tightening effect.
Both treatments use a technological breakthrough invented to treat wrinkles and sagging in the face and body. There have been numerous face and neck lifts with the HIFU treatment as well as to smooth cellulite, reshape the tummy and buttocks and lift the inner thighs too! It is indeed a versatile treatment.
CARA LIFT has the unique advantage of having a specialized handpiece that is used to treat sensitive locations, like areas around the eyes, and hence can be used to deal with saggy eyes.
Another thing that would set them apart would be how quickly the session can be done. In CLASSIC HIFU, shots take a longer time to be processed as compared with CARA LIFT. Thus, it takes around 1.5 to 2 times the length of treatment time compared to CARA LIFT, which typically takes 60mins to complete; it is also widely known to be a more comfortable machine of the two compared.
The starkest difference between the two is that CARA LIFT treatment is generally well tolerated and virtually painless while some patients feel considerable discomfort or slight pain throughout the CLASSIC HIFU treatment.
These two are excellent recommendations for people who want to address signs of skin aging like fine lines, as well as lift, tighten and firm some areas of the face with laxity, without having to undergo surgery, which is much more costly than non-surgical treatments.
We recommend doing additional and intensive research on your options and acquiring as much information as you can as this will contribute to your process of choosing what's best for your skin. BUT, if you're ready to jump into a session, CLASSIC HIFU is currently at 7999 for the whole face while CARA LIFT is at 10,999 for the Face and Chin under our Christmas Holi-deals!