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It’s not just your face that needs skincare attention; underarms need it too!

If you’re not that aware yet, underarms can be of high maintenance at some point. With more than 20 million bacteria living in your armpits and when it’s combined with sweat, it results to a stinky smell. Hair growth also vary per person and the trend nowadays is to either shave, pluck, wax or undergo laser underarm hair removal. If you’re not that fortunate, you might also suffer from chicken skin, dull skin and dark shadowy areas in your underarms. Shaving, plucking or waxing can possibly cause darkening of the skin and to avoid getting such, we recommend Underarm Laser Hair Removal that removes unwanted hair by means of exposure to pulses of laser light that destroys hair follicles.

Why not give it your all to your underarms? To a best shot for your underarms, it’s a great deal to also avail a treatment that would be of great help to discolorations and underarm concerns stated above. A good grab would be availing Bella White UA that is one of the clinic’s signature treatment that uses quality exfoliants that treats dark and shadowy areas much faster than the usual underarm whitening treatments available in the market.

As you invest in your facial care, why not give your underarms that tender love and care it deserves. We don’t want to regret the moment that it’s too late for our underarms. Remember that your armpits are delicate so use gentle products and safe treatments from your trusted clinics or doctors.

Ask us for your own skin and body program here at Skin Buffet. Get the best treatment priced less just for you.

~Bella White UA Php 2,000

~UA Laser Hair Removal Php 800

~UA Laser Lightening Php 2,000

*Skin Buffet’s Bella White UA is best paired with UA Laser Hair Removal and Laser Lightening


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